- Do you think this is a situation meant for compromise? Is public safety going to take a back seat to politics?
- Do you feel this is the perfect situation for the two parties to fully distinguish themselves from one another (the need for a clear divide and definition of what each party represents/stands for)?
- Can Democrats maintain their majority status while taking on such a controversial issue? Would taking a "Democrats are for certain gun restrictions" stance damage the party, or make them look stronger?
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
NRA still has sway in Democratic controlled Congress
Obama and the Impossible Mandate
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Exit Polling and Collective Conclusions
On November 4th, 2008, more than 125 million people went to the polls to perform their civic duty and cast their vote for President of the United States. Unlike elections over the past few decades, there was an unpresedented number of new voters that went to the polls to decide whether John McCain, the Republican candidate and Senator from Arizona, or Barack Obama, the Democratic candidate and Senator from Illinois, would be the right choice to lead our country through this nation’s most trying time in more than 60 years.
Barack Obama won the historic election by a margin of 53%-46%, and more than 8 million votes (NBC). Winning the popular vote seemed to be easy, due to the surge of African American voters and the overall larger ratio of registered Democrats to Republicans. But as we had seen in the election of 2000, the popular vote, in the end, is not the most important factor in claiming victory. The Electoral College, the system of allocating electors awarded for a state’s overall victory, takes a Constitutional priority over the popular vote. How did Senator Obama manage to pull off such a wide margin of victory, winning the Electoral College 365-173, where only 270 Electoral votes are needed? Part of this key to victory revolved around the Latino population in several key “swing states.” Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico, and Florida (one of the most coveted states to win by either side) were all won by Barack Obama with the help of Latino voters that went to the polls, and voted for the Senator (now President) by a margin of 2-1, roughly 66%-31%, according to exit polling reported by various news agencies. For the sake of conciseness, we will only examine Colorado and Florida for this example.
The state of Colorado, the host of the 2008 Democratic Convention, was decided for Barack Obama, and its 9 Electoral votes were awarded to the Democratic candidate. By an overall margin of 54%-45%, it was roughly the same margin as seen in Nevada. However, this state has a much larger population, and voters cast their votes which resulted in 1,216,793 for Obama and 1,020,135 for McCain. This was an overall margin of victory equal to approximately (just under) 197,000 votes. How did the Latino population come into play in a state like Colorado? According to NBC news exit polling, Latinos made up about 13% of the overall voters in the state, or roughly 291,000 Latino voters. Of the Latinos who voted, the broke 61%-38% for Barack Obama. This translates into 177,000 Latino votes cast for Barack Obama in a state that was decided by approximately 197,000. In other words, had all the Latinos who voted for Barack Obama stayed home on election day, and only those who voted for John McCain cast their ballot, the state would have been decided by only 20,000.
Again seeing the trend of a deepening victory on behalf of the Democratic candidate due to the Latino population shows how viable their vote is in such elections. In a state such as Colorado, which voted for George W. Bush in both 2000 and 2004, we see a new trend developing that is beginning to reshape electoal politics and presidential campaigning as we know it. Colorado, which is one of the Western states that had been targeted by both Democrats and Republicans, is one of the key indicators that both issues politics and identity politics have catalyzed the electorate, and such issues as comprehensive immigration reform have a major impact on for whom the voters will pull the lever.
The state of Florida has been one of the most contended states in presidential politics in the last decade, and with 27 Electoral votes, it holds the key to victory in any presidential election. Having been contended in 2000 (going to George W. Bush) and being the cause of the “hanging chad” debacle, this time around it was decided in favor of the Democratic candidate Barack Obama by a margin of 51%-48%. A small margin than most states, but carrying a much heavier population and overall turnout. For Obama, 4,143,957 votes and for McCain, 3,939,380, resulting in about a 205,000 vote victory. How did the Latino vote come into play in a state like Florida? According to NBC News exit polling, 14% of the electorate in Florida were Latinos (approximately just over 1 million of the roughly 8 million votes cast in the state.) This, however, yielded a smaller margin amongst Latinos, where Barack Obama won their support by a margin of 57%-42%. This translates into a little over 600,000 votes for Obama and around 400,000 for McCain. In other words, the 200,000 vote overall margin of victory was decided by the Latino population. Had every Latino remained home on election day and opted not to vote, the state would have been virtually tied, resulting in yet another Florida recount as seen in 2000.
This is a fascinating fact, and should be greatly appreciated. One of the most populous states in our country, carrying one of the biggest prizes in electoral politics can be declared “a victory thanks to the Latino population.” Other states that had been reviewed had major influence by the Latino population and should not be overlooked. However, in the realm of presidential elections, this is a major feat. Both in 2000 and 2004, the election would have “gone the other way” (the loser actually winning) had only Florida been decided differently. Florida has a unique population, and even though it is in the Southern region of the United States, it is in no way a true “Southern” state. It consists of a transient population, where many retirees reside coming from all across the nation, an influx of younger people seeking the benefits of the cities of Miami and Orlando, and most of all, a heavy Latino population due to Cuban immigrants. When looking at what counties were carried heavily, most likely due to Cubans, we see Miami-Dade County being carried by Obama 58%42%, Broward County going to Obama 67%-32% and Palm Beach County going the same way by a margin of 62%-38%. These numbers are key to the victory on behalf of the Obama campaign, and it is obvious that the Latino population turned the state in his favor.
Obama faces internal party division
While the stimulus package was passed with grand support from his own party, internal divisions are now poised to put a kink in the plans for health care reform, educational assistance, and a new energy policy. But how could such divisions be present after such a show of political strength less than one month ago? It is quite easy to see that many in Congress do not see these programs as being "dire," and do not associate them with the same sense of urgency as saving the economy.
White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said "When your house is on fire, you don't stop to think about which room to put out first. You call the fire department to put out the whole house at one. Otherwise, by the time you are done saving the living room, the rest of your house is in ashes."
This statement shows the true political/governing philosophy of the Obama administration. There is no "one solution" to fix the economy, and Obama sees many of these programs as being linked to economic and social prosperity. Some of his critics state that he is over-reaching, and has too much on his plate at once. However, laying out ambitious policy goals has never stopped a president from trying.
This will be a true test of whether the administration has power over their own party. One such example of the simmering internal division: "One proposal would overhaul the federal student loan program to guarantee yearly increases in the Pell Grant program. That idea enjoys broad Democratic support. But to pay for the Pell Grant expansion, Obama would end federal support for private lending. And one of the major corporate providers of student loans is NelNet, a company based in Lincoln, Neb., the home state of Sen. Ben Nelson, a moderate Democrat who balked at the stimulus package and teamed up with three moderate Republicans to cut $100 billion from the final bill."
With pending troubles within his own party, and facing a tough uphill climb in respect to his legislative ambitions,
- Can President Obama demand party support for these policies? Is such an action even possible (consider using the heavy hand of the presidency as leverage)?
- Should Democratic leaders be ready to make concessions on these proposals and pass a bill that does half the job, or hold their ground until the first version garners enough support?
- Is there anything that House or Senate leaders can do to protect their party from harsh internal divisions?
- Will Democrats not in favor of supporting such action realize the bigger picture, or do the job of a delegate and protect their individual constituencies first?
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Rove, Miers set to testify in prosecutor firings
- What is to happen if they are found to have been involved in the firings, and the motivation was, indeed, political?
- If found guilty, should they face serious consequences such as prison time, or simply a large censure?
- If they are to have been involved, and there is no chance of jail/censure, does this all revert back to being a simple fact-finding mission?
- Is this the first in a series of steps investigating actions of the former Bush administration? Should investigations also be held regarding other possible illegal/unethical actions?
The Questionable Role of the Minority Party in Congress
In recent years, we have witnessed a variety of roles played by the minority party in Congress, in both the United States Senate and the House of Representatives; the minority party has always taken the role of being the active voice of disagreement.
Explaining the seemingly unending calls for bipartisanship is not an easy feat, nor does anybody know for certain why there are calls for bipartisanship in a modern Congress when one (or both) chamber is dominated by a single party. Currently, the House of Representatives is overwhelmingly in control of the Democratic Party. Consider how the House is assembled; individual districts totaling 435 members of small constituencies, rather than the "at-large" representation in the United States Senate. When on such a micro level of representation, and with the results coming much in favor of one party, some may speculate that (without using the term "mandate") this results in the American people stating they prefer one party to another. In such a case, why the calls for bipartisanship? Simply stated: because it looks good politically.
Politicians, as we have come to know and love, live in a politically hostile environment, and have to survive the never-ending "permanent campaign." Some of those serving in Congress come from unstable districts where they are forced to make concessions and appease a given group of their constituents. It is not politically viable for most members, say in the House, to be ultra-partisan and run the gauntlet on the opposition. For as much as political junkies jump at the thought of partisan rancor, the general electorate is sickened by the thought of "partisan politics getting us nowhere." And of course, we cannot blame them for their sentiments.
So why do Republican House members even show up to work every day without presenting any viable policy alternatives? Because they have no leadership. The minority party is in such disarray that their platform is lost, their leadership is absent, and months after the 2008 elections, have yet to voice any ideals that the electorate is willing to hear. The political atmosphere is not in their favor, and there is nothing they can do about it, until the majority party begins to slide.
In addition, the Democrats should call the Republicans' bluff in the United States Senate. Needing 60 votes to have passed the stimulus was not necessary. Having 60 is only needed to end debate. So, the Democrats should call their bluff, bring out the cots, and let the Republicans attempt to filibuster any legislation they oppose. The GOP has close to nothing to lose, and should have no problem with letting the American people witness their stalling attempts at blocking whatever legislation the Democrats propose.
We already witnessed that the GOP is not needed in the House. The stimulus passed without a single Republican supporting the measure, and the same will continue with legislation in the future. In the Senate, the Democrats have a majority, and should let the GOP attempt to filibuster. Why would they allow them to do this? Because it would be political suicide for the GOP to stall any measures that are aimed at economic recovery, and it would fare very well for the majority party.
The role of the minority party in any democracy should be to present viable policy alternatives, present enriched debate about the issues, and hold the majority party accountable for their (if any) misactions through whatever means necessary. Just as the Democrats did throughout their minority rule, they voiced dissent for the Iraq War, criticized the sitting President, and still presented real alternative solutions under the leadership of the DNC and its party leaders.
Overall, it is a rather unique situation as we see currently. Without strong leadership and a sound message to deliver, the minority party can easily be overlooked, and their requests ignored. It is time for the Democrats to turn up the heat, as the GOP did when they had the majority under Newt Gingrich and Dennis Hastert. In politics, what goes around comes back around.